Action Alert: Voice Support for Independent Family Farmers on GIPSA

URGENT ACTION NEEDED!!! It is Critical that We Voice Support for Independent Family Farmers This Monday (Nov. 22nd) is the Deadline... Corporate agri-business, meat packers, and their allies are lobbying the halls of Congress trying to stop the … [Read more...]

To All Who Value Small Farm (Not Corporate) Foods

Although it has been delayed many times, the Food Safety Modernization Act (S.510) continues to be a threat. This bill greatly expands FDA's authority over both processed foods and fresh fruits and vegetables, and would give FDA authority to impose … [Read more...]

I Ran My First Race Today

Back on April 1, I posted an entry, "The Challenges of Training for a 5K." I mentioned that I was going to run a 5K on May 15.  It just so happened that my husband and I went to the St. Louis Fitness Expo later in April and met the new Chi Running … [Read more...]

Pressing On Despite a Scare

Last week I had a minor upset on weigh day. The scale registered EXACTLY the same number as the week before. It wasn't a shock because I had fallen off the wagon on the previous Monday when my sister was visiting from Indiana. We went to Casa … [Read more...]

Simply Determined: Another 2.2 lbs lost

If only there weren't so many left to lose! It was nice to see that the scale had again moved in the right direction, but I'm feeling impatient. I keep telling myself to think about other things, not the diet! I will say, however, that I'm not … [Read more...]