The Evolution of My Eating Plan to More of a Natural Diet

Back in March, I wrote an article "Why Fitness Hopeful Is Eating a High-Protein, High-Fiber, Moderate-Carb, Moderate-Fat Eating Plan." I've still been evolving my eating plan since then, so its about time I posted something about it.  While I'm still … [Read more...]

Boost Your Metabolism – Part 3: Eat More Good Quality Protein

On my personal countdown to better fitness, I've been evolving my diet not only as I've read articles, books, and scientific papers, but also as I've made scientific observations about how food affects me personally.  Amazingly, or so I thought at … [Read more...]

BBQ Ribs

My mother-in-law came to visit, so I bought pastured pork ribs from Live Springs Farm. She liked Larry's ribs recipe, but it's full of unhealthy sugar.  I found a recipe Calgary Stampede Ribs, which had less sugar.  We decided to combine the two … [Read more...]

Live Springs Farm Pastured Pork and Chicken Higher in Omega-3, Vitamin E, and other Healthy Nutrients

For more than one year, I've been on a quest to eat healthier and ethically (eating food that is sustainable and that helps rebuild the land, as well as eating meat that is humanely raised).  With the help of my CSA, I found Live Springs Farm of … [Read more...]

Eating Well: Community-Supported Agriculture

Last year after reading The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan, I searched for a local farm that supported community-supported agriculture (CSA), which he explained in the book.  I wanted to find a local farm which … [Read more...]