Weight issues, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies of various types -- including food, asthma, some cancers, and many other diseases have a common tie. Inflammation. Which is triggered by inflammatory foods in one's diet. The … [Read more...]
A Funny Thing Happened before Drinking an Orange Juice
"That orange juice will kill you," said a French waitress to my husband's boss years ago, when the boss was in Paris on business, eating his normal breakfast at the hotel. Later, the boss related the incident, and we all thought that was really … [Read more...]
Scales Lie!
OK, we all know scales tell you what you weigh, but sometimes the number isn't reflective of the work you are putting in to maintain your health: eating right, exercising, etc. Simply Determined and I were talking this week about the … [Read more...]
Weight Loss Observations and Water
I'm now keeping track of weight loss every day (I was only weighing myself once per week) because I'm doing scientific observations of what works for me. Besides weight, I'm keeping track of calories (I've been doing that, but this calorie count is … [Read more...]